Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where Will You Be Tuesday?

Tomorrow is a holiday for our office, but I will be at work Tuesday just like all Inauguration Days before this one.

However, we will have one department with no representation due to both employees taking the day off.

I wonder if we are the only office to experience this type of worker shortage…


Where there's a Wills, there's a way! said...

Freaking RIDICULOUS! So should we do away with Black History Month since there is an "African American" in office, or do they get to have a special day for a black Motivational Speaker, take off for HISTORY IN THE MAKING Inauguration Day, and then an entire month of "history?" Just ridiculous. I am no more special than they are, and they are no more special than I am... I just don't get it...

Kathleen... said...

I'm so over the whole damned thing. Tomorrow's just another Tuesday for me. AND, I will NOT be watching the Inauguration in protest over all of the taxpayer dollars being spent on the "pomp and circumstance" (as Barry put it) surrounding Mr. Obama. And in protest of all the many "President-Elect" press conferences, completely flying in the face of another man IN the position at the time.
