Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy USA Weekend!!!

Picked a fine time to return to posting...

..Holiday weekend and all...STUF to do...
People to see...FOOD to COOK...carnage and chaos on my agenda...

HAVE a happy and SAFE independence day holiday...

I Got Some Splain'in To Do...

I'm a bad blogger...BAD, BAD, BAD!!!
A thousand pardons for my MIA status...
I have been preoccupied with LIFE...(is that a 4 letter word?)
...WORK...(another 4 letter word)...
...KIDS....(oops...there I go again)...
...I'm on a ROLL...(do you see a pattern here?????)
WELL, I hope you've enjoyed the peace and quiet while it lasted...because its over BITCHES!!!! I'm back and I've got a HECK of a lot of venting to do......ready or I COME!!!!!