Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pilfer My Melons??????

Don't Even Think About It!!!!

This Goes Out 2 Mr. Give...

...thank you for all the love & labor you have poured into our garden project!!! Not to mention the natural fertilizer...
I bet we grow the biggest melons in the neighborhood & our cucumbers will have such girth we will only be able to pickle one to a jar... MR. GIVE, U ROCK!!!

R U Stimulated?

The only thing stimulated by the "Stimulus Package" is my bowels!!!

Taking it personally...

Our daughter was laid-off from Alcon Laboratories last week...along with 249 other unsuspecting souls…this was quite a shock to everyone due to this being the first lay-off to ever be implemented at Alcon, they say it is due to foreign competition…

Alcon hired an outside consultant firm to come in and walk the “victims” through four days of classes on how to deal with the situation, revamp your resume and sign-up for unemployment.

The classes were held at a hotel located just across the highway from Alcon so that when the “victims” went to and from class they were able to look across the highway at their old place of employment and scream!!!!

Anyone in need of a very talented Executive Administrative Assistant with two young-uns to support?

Shall we make an "Ass-umption"..

...and assume that he has put more than just his foot in his mouth during these past few weeks? Five dollar foot-long anyone?

Monday, February 9, 2009

2 Snooze, or Not 2 Snooze...

...that is the question...
I have my alarm set for 5am...
I religiously "Snooze" in until 10 minute intervals....
Is this healthy??? I don't know & I don't care....I feel all the better for about you???

The Perfect Storm?!?!?!?!?

The weather people predicted rain Sunday night...YES!!! We need IT!!!

Got my hopes up....just to be woken up at 3am Monday morning with the sounds of rainfall and fierce winds... We got exactly .20 inches of precipitation with 70 mile an hour winds!!! Eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!

We have a 100 year old working barn with so much character it is totally awesome...however, it is vertically is on its last leg (so to speak) is well ventilated and we winterize it with tarps....the animals go inside just long enough to eat....then they are "out o'here"...they may be animals...but they are not stupid!

After the winds last night we were afraid to look at the, prior to sunrise...Mr. Give drives out to the barn and shines his headlights on the barn prior to leaving for work...immediately he notices that we are missing 3 metal roof panels..."Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...

When I leave for work the sun has risen and I notice that a huge oak branch is laying in the back yard...shingles litter the yard...the antique metal chairs on the front porch are in disarray...a huge, heavy clay pot has been thrown off the front porch and is broken on the front lawn...the glass humming bird feeders hanging on the porch survived...the miniature windmill is smashed to smithereens...apparently the "wind-dado" is selective in it's path of destruction!!!

Our theory has been....if the barn shall we!!! Well, the odds are narrowing...I say it is time to replace the barn!!! Its all in the timing, as the saying goes...we need to get ahead of the damage curve...or will FEMA come to our rescue...NOT....I am looking at plans as I type...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rain Already ! ! !

...I walked out to the barn a few hours ago to give the idiots some hay and a few sprinkles fell upon my face... the time I walked back to the nothing!!!

Problem Solved ! ! !

This Stimulus Package Has It All ! ! !

For the Gentlemen....

and for the Ladies...

...this package is affordable and will put a smile on every taxpayers face!!!
Shall we put it up for vote?!?!?!?!?!?
OK...maybe not....I'll go to my room now...

D O N E ! ! !

The 2008 taxes...they are DONE!!! Ready to be delivered to the CPA!!!
YEA!!!!! I'm Free....I can come out and play now....

I don't know why I was so concerned about getting our taxes taken care of...
it seems the "vogue" thing these days is to not pay them at all...

I wonder how that would work out for little ole "Josey the small ag exempt" lay-person...
I wonder if I could sleep at night knowing I had not paid my fair share...
especially since I would be sleeping in a cell with my new girlfriend to keep me warm...
I'm just say'in...