Monday, February 9, 2009

2 Snooze, or Not 2 Snooze...

...that is the question...
I have my alarm set for 5am...
I religiously "Snooze" in until 10 minute intervals....
Is this healthy??? I don't know & I don't care....I feel all the better for about you???


The Accomplice said...

I only hit the snooze one time. Then I have a second alarm that goes off.

Anonymous said...

I set my clock time fast, like 12 minutes, then set the alarm to a time that allows me to press snooze two times, all which allows me to wake slowly, and not just jump out of bed. I set the clock fast so I have to do some math to calculate what the time actually is. I don't know why I do this crazy shiate. I should just get the heck up when the alarm goes off.

Anonymous said...

I've never used an alarm clock in my life! I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 every morning ready to do a happy dance. Go ahead, I know I'm nuts.