Thursday, October 30, 2008 sheep's clothing...

John McCain and Sarah Palin accused the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday of protecting Barack Obama by withholding a videotape of the Democrat attending a 2003 party for a Palestinian-American professor and critic of Israel.

O-Bum-A has perfected the old "slight-of-hand" technique and is keeping his flock in the dark, or perhaps they are blinded by the light of his halo...

Too many questionable associates for my taste....
hence the old adage... "Guilt by Association"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stinky, Stinky, Pew, Pew, Pew....

Had to break out the Haz-Mat suit and try to sanitize the water and Dawn only made it worse...HELP!!! Maybe I should dip them in Lysol, Pine-Sol, or use Nair to remove the odor...this is unbearable...Stupid Skunk!!!

It's Back...

Had to do it! My little striped friend came back for seconds...dogs barking, food flying, it's an ugly stand-off at the dog bowl buffet. Pepe is turning in circles with his/her tail raised and the dogs are surrounding him/her, just outside of the squirt perimeter...the only problem is that all of this is happening within 5 feet from the back door!!! The flashlight is not working this time because Pepe is in defense mode. The dogs are totally ignoring my commands (shock). I fire my trusty weapon into the air to get their attention....the dogs act like the shot was the "bang" to start the of them lunges....the skunk sprays....oh God...this is totally out of control....I fire again...and more Pepe, but his essence remains..... EVERYWHERE!!! Someone light a candle, strike a match...and who do I call to clean up the crime scene? I see a shovel, but where is Mr. Give when I need him. Thank God I'm a Country Girl!!! Yee-Haw!

Assume The Position...

All the public is asking for is information so that we can make an educated decision before handing over the "key to the country". I had to supply more detailed and personal information than what the presidential candidates have been asked to supply when I adopted a puppy from the local animal rescue candidates, pull down your pants just like the rest of us law abiding US citizens and quit crying...there's no crying in politics!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

20 Acres & A Mule?

So exactly where do the American Indians fit into this program of redistribution of wealth Senator Obama? They were the original occupants of this great nation and their lands and rights were taken from them. I don't hear them crying for retributions, I don't hear them crying for FEMA, I don't hear them crying for handouts....hundreds of years later....when the actual perpetrators are dead and gone....Please explain the difference....

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

Home alone, dogs barking....what now? Guess who decided they like the dog bowl buffet? Hello Walther P99, my friend! Don't want to shoot this kritter so close to the house...what do I do? I grab the flashlight and shine it in the intruders's running away...ha-ha....the flashlight is skunk kriptonite! Sweet! Shoot into the dark for good measure...that will learn him!

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid...

I apologize ahead of myself....

but every time I see Michelle Obama,

this image pops into my head.....

what is Freud trying to tell me?....or is it just the season?

OK, I will go to my room now….

Stupid Mule!

Don't ask!!!


I froze my chee-chees off last night! I refuse to turn on the heat in the house just yet & Mr. Give is out of town on business, so I had no where to put my cold feet. I woke up this morning in my warm cocoon, layered in piles of blankets, and wallered in the warmth until I thought that my bladder would burst. When I couldn't stand it any longer, I streaked to the leu only to find that the porcelain throne was a freak'in 20 degrees to the touch!! What a rude awakening, I swear that if my rear end had been wet I would have stuck to the throne like that "double dog dare" kid with his tongue stuck to the flagpole in the middle of the school playground. Then who would I call to rescue me? Who is that true a friend to see me in a position like that and not break out the camera phone to capture the moment...or cost me my retirement fund in blackmail fees for the rest of my life? Learning to "hover" at one's own house really sucks!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thanks, But No Thanks...

Really, I know that you have only my best interests in mind....but I can redistribute my own wealth all by my little self....
thank you very much!
Back Away From My Paycheck!!!

Is There A Marxist In The House?

Actual opening screen credit:

The characters in this picture are all fictitious. Anyone resembling them is better off dead.

WFTV’s Barbara West sat down to interview Joe Biden and left the interview in the cross hairs of the Obama campaign. The trouble started with her asking Biden questions the Obama camp didn’t like.
Dems Cry Foul!!!!....Again....

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise...

Skinheads running amuck! Tennessee transplants from Montague County..."Both individuals stated they would dress in all-white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt" least they were going to dress for the occasion.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

'UTTIN' ON THE 'IIIIITZ (Putting On The Ritz)

Mr. Give wants to get tickets to AC/DC...insists that I will just love it, just have to see them before I die. I am trying to be a sport so I am shopping for tickets located close to the stage...but that means that I get an up close view of 60 year old dudes, half dressed, sweating and making "get down" faces as they screem like their privates are in a vice.....(word to you guys)....don't, and I mean don't ever try to sing along with AC/DC or Guns & does not turn us girls on....enough to drive you nutz, fella...concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT....contracts, neckties, High Voltage....Mr. Give will owe me big time for this one...if he wants a "Whole Lotta Rosie"....He better have "Big Balls" or it will be " Highway to Hell"....if you know what I mean!