Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Back...

Had to do it! My little striped friend came back for seconds...dogs barking, food flying, it's an ugly stand-off at the dog bowl buffet. Pepe is turning in circles with his/her tail raised and the dogs are surrounding him/her, just outside of the squirt perimeter...the only problem is that all of this is happening within 5 feet from the back door!!! The flashlight is not working this time because Pepe is in defense mode. The dogs are totally ignoring my commands (shock). I fire my trusty weapon into the air to get their attention....the dogs act like the shot was the "bang" to start the of them lunges....the skunk sprays....oh God...this is totally out of control....I fire again...and more Pepe, but his essence remains..... EVERYWHERE!!! Someone light a candle, strike a match...and who do I call to clean up the crime scene? I see a shovel, but where is Mr. Give when I need him. Thank God I'm a Country Girl!!! Yee-Haw!

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