Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Frozen Puss Pop...

...doesn't this ferocious feline know that this is the wrong time of year to get booted outside? I know what you are are thinking...enough about the kitty, OK? Well easy for you to say...YOUR not being stalked in your own home, 24/ a fur-ball of fangs and claws...from the moment you wake up in the morning, you attempt to get from the bed to the facility in your bare feet...minding your own business...and all of a sudden fangs and claws attack you out from under the bed...then chase you from room to room as you try to get ready for work...then greet you as you come home from work tired and worn out, slashing & I'm trying to relax and eat dinner, I'm being attacked from all sides....I'd swear that there is more than one of them in this house...right now, as I type, I am sitting in the lotus position in a chair not meant to be sat in like that...trying to keep my appendages out of striking distance..."Its" the devil incarnate I tell ya...


The Accomplice said...

The poor little kitty just loves you so.......

Jarhead™ said...

Mail me $10 and you'll never see that cat again...

abbienormyl said...

Thanks would you like your payment, in small bills or a money order cut in half? Hey wait a second, is this a set up? Can I get in trouble for "murder for hire" of a puddy tat? If PETA ever hears about this I'm doomed!!!
...This correspondence will self destruct in 60 seconds...

Kathleen... said...

lol...that type of cat scares the hell out of me. Grew up w/two of those during high school: my brother's cat & my sister's cat. Stupid felines...they'd hide on the stairs and wait for me to come down -- kerWHUMP, onto my ankles. Everyone always gets a little misty-eyed when they talk about their deaths....not me....