Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Hate Personal Trainers....

...getting paid to work out...

...walking around looking all buff

...behaving like a Drill Sergeant while in session...

...working out in-between sessions, while looking at us amateurs with pity, out of the corner of their eyes...

I know what they are thinking...

"Just look at that idiot, at what point did you give up and just let yourself go?" "Spandex is made for me....not you" "Is that all the weight you can do?" "Gawd, that's not how your supposed to use that machine, its called the Ab Crunch not the Boobie Crunch" "Move over and pay a professional to show you how its done" "Freak’ in Amateur" "Waste of space in the gym"

...OK, I don't hate them....really....I'm jealous!!!!
Can I change careers in the middle of the game?


Denney Crane said...

"...walking around looking all buff"

Now I know why your crotch hurts.

Fitness Insights said...

Haha - sad but true! I work as a personal trainer and am often embarrassed by my fellow trainers. I sometimes wonder if people just get addicted to mirrors and end up becoming personal trainers so they can spend every moment in front of the mirror checking out their own personal gun show :)