Tuesday, January 27, 2009


...will they ever learn???? I can't even pet the puppets because they are stinky-stinky-pew-pew-pew!!! Dogs are very affectionate...they run up to greet you when you get home and all they want is a little rubb'in...but I can't touch them or I will smell like the PePe....don't get me wrong, I appreciate that they are just doing their jobs and protecting us and the property from rabid vermin, but how can I show my appreciation from afar??? We give them food, water, treats, a warm place to sleep [outside cause they are stinky], but we can't have any one-on-one and they don't understand when they come running-up, wagging their tails all excited and my reaction is PU!!! Because if I pet them, I smell like them!!! So I pet them on the least likely spot to have been sprayed, throw them a treat and run inside...I'm not ungrateful for their services, but I just can't stand the stench!!!


RPM said...

Have you tried spraying them with Febeze? Never tried it on Le Pew, but it couldn't hurt.

Unfatcat said...

Man up Mrs. Give. Our female pit, an inside dog, runs off with our male boxer, an outside dog anytime we turn our backs on them when we let her outside. sometimes they stay gone for hours and come back looking like they were drug for a mile behind a car, mostly they come back smelling like guess what, thats right, Skunk. We have a 400 acre ranch and there is lots of room to roam and lots of little critters such as deer, turkey, armadillo, road runners, rabbits, coons, snakes, turtles, Coyotes, bobcats and even the occasional mountain lion. But there is also plenty of Pepes and the dogs can sniff them out very easily. When our pittie gets sprayed it usually is bad enough that we have to immediately take action with things like lemon juice followed by a good bath and then a bit of incense for the room so we can stand to be in the same room with her. We couldn't make her stay outside, we wouldn't get any sleep. She has always been an inside dog.